Panorama - Eating disorders

Whilst yesterday’s disturbing programme with regards two Ballet Schools was harrowing, we wanted to remind our young people and parents of the Mental Heath resources page, and in particular, draw attention to the organisation called Beat, who focus on eating disorders.

Their resources page can be found here

Up-Stage is not a dance school, but we would always recommend asking for a Dance school or clubs policy on health and wellbeing of young people and staff. Any youth based activity should be a safe space. Please make sure it is.

Safe Space Policy

Every single one of us working at Up-Stage is entitled to work in a safe space: a space free of fear, a space free of bullying & harassment of any kind. We will work together honouring our differences & celebrating the gifts we each bring to the table. We will treat one another with politeness & respect at all times &, if we are subjected to or witness bullying & harassment, we will speak out knowing that our voices will be heard & we will be taken seriously. Together we can create a safe space.


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