Triple threat?

I’m often irritated by this phrase. For those of you who don’t know, it is a phrase, much loved in theatrical circles, to describe someone with acting, singing and dancing skills. We have worked with many young people who are excellent in all three of these disciplines, so my annoyance with the phrase is not targeted at them. However, there is an inbuilt implication that to only have two “threats” is to be deficient in some way. There is of course, an added complication. We worked with a young man around 14 years ago, who had never appeared on a stage. He is about to graduate from drama school with what I would call an “Octopus threat”, in that he can act, sing, dance and is a multi instrumentalist. He is quite brilliant. However, this does not make him better than Ian McKellen. Performance should not be about the acquisition of skills to make others feel deficient, but more about building your own personal skills and being the very best version of you. I worry that sometimes our drama schools are obsessing about the triple threat more than working on building the person.


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